
ecf6fd529228630e57354416d6da3515f609aa86 — Pinghao Wu 3 months ago e7d89e9
CephFSDocumentsProvider: buildDocumentRow: refactor to column-central

more readable and easier to maintain column support this way, also
consider only wanted columns
1 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

M src/main/java/org/safcephfs/CephFSDocumentsProvider.java
M src/main/java/org/safcephfs/CephFSDocumentsProvider.java => src/main/java/org/safcephfs/CephFSDocumentsProvider.java +93 -71
@@ 278,103 278,125 @@ public class CephFSDocumentsProvider extends DocumentsProvider {
		throw new FileNotFoundException();

	// TODO bsearch thumbnails
	private void lstatBuildDocumentRow(String dir, String displayName,
	private void buildDocumentRow(String dir, String displayName,
			String[] thumbnails, MatrixCursor result)
			throws FileNotFoundException {
		// TODO consider EXTRA_ERROR?
		var path = dir + displayName;
		CephStat cs = new CephStat();
		CephStat lcs = new CephStat();
		executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> {
			try {
				cm.lstat(path, cs);
				cm.lstat(path, lcs);
				return null;
			} catch (CephNotDirectoryException e) {
				throw new FileNotFoundException(e.getMessage());
		MatrixCursor.RowBuilder row = result.newRow();
		row.add(Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID, documentIdFromPath(path));
		row.add(Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, displayName);
		row.add(Document.COLUMN_SIZE, cs.size);
		row.add(Document.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED, cs.m_time);

		var wasSymlink = cs.isSymlink();
		var wasSymlink = lcs.isSymlink();
		CephStat cs = lcs;
		if (wasSymlink) {
			executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> {
			cs = executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> {
				try {
					cm.stat(path, cs);
					return null;
					var ncs = new CephStat();
					cm.stat(path, ncs);
					return ncs;
				} catch (FileNotFoundException|CephNotDirectoryException e) {
					Log.e(APP_NAME, "stat: " + dir + displayName + " not found", e);
					return null;
					return lcs;
		String mimeType = getMime(cs.mode, displayName);
		row.add(Document.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE, mimeType);

		// TODO override getDocumentType to avoid this
		int flags = 0;
		if (cs.isSymlink()) { // broken
			// needed for DocumentsUI to display summary
			flags |= Document.FLAG_PARTIAL;
			var target = executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> cm.readlink(path));
			row.add(Document.COLUMN_SUMMARY, "Broken symlink to " + target);
			row.add(Document.COLUMN_ICON, R.drawable.ic_broken_symlink);
		} if (cs.isDir()) {
			if (mayWrite(cs)) {
				flags |= Document.FLAG_DIR_SUPPORTS_CREATE;
			if (mayRead(cs)) {
				flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_METADATA;
			if (wasSymlink) {
				// DocumentsUI grid view is hard-coded to system folder icon
				row.add(Document.COLUMN_ICON, R.drawable.ic_symlink_to_dir);
		} else if (cs.isFile()) {
			if ((MetadataReader.isSupportedMimeType(mimeType) ||
					MediaMetadataReader.isSupportedMimeType(mimeType)) &&
					mayRead(cs)) {
				// noinspection InlinedApi
				flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_METADATA;
			if (mayWrite(cs)) {
				flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_WRITE;

			if (ExifInterface.isSupportedMimeType(mimeType)) {
				// may be available in exif, skip the search (but prefer xdg)
				flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_THUMBNAIL;
			} else {
				String thumbnail = getXDGThumbnailFile(displayName);
				boolean thumbnailFound = false;
				if (thumbnails != null) {
					for (String c : thumbnails) {
						if (c.equals(thumbnail)) {
							thumbnailFound = true;
		for (var col : result.getColumnNames()) {
			row.add(col, switch (col) {
			case Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME -> displayName;
			case Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID -> documentIdFromPath(path);
			case Document.COLUMN_FLAGS -> {
				int flags = 0;
				switch (cs.mode & S_IFMT) {
				case S_IFLNK:
					flags |= Document.FLAG_PARTIAL;
				case S_IFDIR:
					if (mayWrite(cs)) {
						flags |= Document.FLAG_DIR_SUPPORTS_CREATE;
					if (mayRead(cs)) {
						flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_METADATA;
				case S_IFREG:
					if ((MetadataReader.isSupportedMimeType(mimeType) ||
							MediaMetadataReader.isSupportedMimeType(mimeType)) &&
							mayRead(cs)) {
						// noinspection InlinedApi
						flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_METADATA;
					if (mayWrite(cs)) {
						flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_WRITE;
				} else {
					String thubmailPath = dir + ".sh_thumbnails/normal/" + getXDGThumbnailFile(displayName);
					thumbnailFound = executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> {
						try {
							cm.stat(thubmailPath, cs);
							return true;
						} catch (FileNotFoundException|CephNotDirectoryException e) {
							return false;

					if (ExifInterface.isSupportedMimeType(mimeType)) {
						// may be available in exif, skip the search (but prefer xdg)
						flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_THUMBNAIL;
					} else {
						String thumbnail = getXDGThumbnailFile(displayName);
						boolean thumbnailFound = false;
						if (thumbnails != null) {
							// TODO pre-sort & bsearch?
							for (String c : thumbnails) {
								if (c.equals(thumbnail)) {
									thumbnailFound = true;
						} else {
							String thubmailPath = dir + ".sh_thumbnails/normal/" + getXDGThumbnailFile(displayName);
							var ncs = new CephStat();
							thumbnailFound = executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> {
								try {
									cm.stat(thubmailPath, ncs);
									return true;
								} catch (FileNotFoundException|CephNotDirectoryException e) {
									return false;

				if (thumbnailFound) {
					flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_THUMBNAIL;
						if (thumbnailFound) {
							flags |= Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_THUMBNAIL;
				yield flags;
			case Document.COLUMN_ICON -> {
				if (wasSymlink && cs.isDir()) {
					// DocumentsUI grid view is hard-coded to system folder icon
					yield R.drawable.ic_symlink_to_dir;
				if (cs.isSymlink()) {
					yield R.drawable.ic_broken_symlink;
				yield null;
			case Document.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED -> lcs.m_time;
			case Document.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE -> getMime(cs.mode, displayName);
			case Document.COLUMN_SIZE -> lcs.size;
			case Document.COLUMN_SUMMARY -> {
				if (cs.isSymlink()) {
					var target = executor.executeWithUnchecked(cm -> cm.readlink(path));
					yield "Broken symlink to " + target;
				yield null;
			default -> null;
		row.add(Document.COLUMN_FLAGS, flags);

	public Cursor queryChildDocuments(String parentDocumentId,

@@ 404,7 426,7 @@ public class CephFSDocumentsProvider extends DocumentsProvider {

		for (String entry : res) {
			lstatBuildDocumentRow(path + "/", entry, thumbnails, result);
			buildDocumentRow(path + "/", entry, thumbnails, result);
		return result;

@@ 417,7 439,7 @@ public class CephFSDocumentsProvider extends DocumentsProvider {
		int dirIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
		String filename = path.substring(dirIndex + 1);
		String dir = path.substring(0, dirIndex + 1);
		lstatBuildDocumentRow(dir, filename, null, result);
		buildDocumentRow(dir, filename, null, result);
		return result;