
teams: untrack

ms abandonware
android: trim unused deps
android: trim eol'd versions
android-*-boost and friends: untrack

build failures, and i don't use it anymore
intel-ipspec-mb: untrack

originally introduced as dep of stress-ng, but now nothing uses it
drawio-desktop: untrack

in [extra]
stress-ng: untrack

now in [extra]
multimc5: untrack

upstream removed due to an orphan request misfiled as a deletion request
and also accepted by mistake (wtf?), but no one seems to care that it
has been gone
android-platform-34: track
*kwinft*: untrack
jdk-openj9-bin: untrack

aur orphaned for over a year, nobody picks up, bin package
android-sdk: untrack

superseded by cmdline-tools and friends
build: remove [multilib] hack

[multilib] is now enabled in base image
android-sdk-build-tools-33.0.1: track
fcitx5-breeze: untrack, now in [extra]
track android-ndk-beta
track android-platform-33
track android-sdk-build-tools-33
tar-libarchive: untrack, aur removed
kdecoration-kwinft: remove, aur deleted