
vim: update hare.vim
basH: fix google cloud sdk path
bash: add aliases for php 8.1
vim: add hare.vim
bash: remove mount and python from histignore
git: cscc: set up credential helper
sway: adjust screen pos
bash: add gcloud sdk to PATH if exists
vim: ale: v3.2.0
bash: imgcat: fix when IFS does not contain space
imgcat_max_pixels: use fixed IFS
vim: set android jar path from $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
bash: android: ANDROID_SDK_ROOT compat
bash: abduco: start dvtm with mouse enabled
bash: make abduco socket dir more xdg
bash: play-playlist: shuffle, enable subtitles
bash: android-sdk: add platform-tools to tail of path
vim: explicitly disable statusline if single window
vim: explicitly disable visual bell