[WIP] Access CephFS from Android Storage Access Framework (SAF), with libcephfs-jni
Currently only for arm64-v8a
#Libraries sources
Native libraries bundled are built from:
- libboost_*.so: Archlinx User Repository (AUR) package
- libcrypto_1_1.so: AUR package
- libc++_shared.so: copied from NDK r23.b
- libcephfs.so, libceph-common.so, libcephfs_jni.so: built from Ceph Pacific, see COMPILING-CEPH.md for how I built it
Java libraries com.ceph.* is copied from Ceph 15.2.5 source code.
#Current features
- Traverse the tree under specified path
This is a WIP, and the code is dirty and full of debugging lines.
Many things still don't work.
#What's tested and worked so far
- Listing files, changing directories