
4c72acae4d50fae25c8f961d92937bc5c301cdfe — xdavidwu 2 years ago abeaef5
make back-to-top in archives really to top
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M _layouts/categories.html
M _layouts/posts.html
M _layouts/tags.html
M _layouts/categories.html => _layouts/categories.html +1 -1
@@ 34,7 34,7 @@ layout: archive_subtitle
        {% for post in category.last %}
          {% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
        {% endfor %}
        <a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} &uarr;</a>
        <a href="#" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} &uarr;</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

M _layouts/posts.html => _layouts/posts.html +1 -1
@@ 23,6 23,6 @@ layout: archive
    {% for post in year.items %}
      {% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
    {% endfor %}
    <a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} &uarr;</a>
    <a href="#" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} &uarr;</a>
{% endfor %}

M _layouts/tags.html => _layouts/tags.html +1 -1
@@ 34,7 34,7 @@ layout: archive_subtitle
        {% for post in tag.last %}
          {% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
        {% endfor %}
        <a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} &uarr;</a>
        <a href="#" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} &uarr;</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}