
6741247b18f63aabec020cbb9b66e4daf43d8c03 — Michael Rose 7 years ago 7db9ff4
Update contributing info
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +5 -1
@@ 90,7 90,11 @@ This goes for author sidebar links and "share button" additions -- I have no int

### Pull Requests

To help me out try to avoid creating pull requests on `master` and instead branch off of `develop`. It's much easier for me to test, merge, and roll them into new releases this way.
When submitting a pull request:

1. Clone the repo.
2. Create a branch off of `master` and give it a meaningful name (e.g. `my-awesome-new-feature`) and describe the feature or fix.
3. Open a pull request on GitHub.

Theme documentation and demo pages can be found in the [`/docs`](docs) if submitting improvements, typo corrections, etc.