
a2bfa7fa7b579b896b15ab1e00e1f2bfc1bc3c48 — Michael Rose 10 years ago b6c7e18
Add rake tasks for creating new posts/pages
3 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

A Rakefile.rb
M theme-setup.md
M README.md => README.md +6 -6
@@ 16,16 16,16 @@

General notes and suggestions for customizing Minimal Mistakes.

## Basic Setup
## Basic Setup for a new Jekyll site

1. [Install Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) if you haven't already.
2. Fork the [Minimal Mistakes repo](http://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/)
3. Clone the repo you just forked to your computer.
1. [Install Bundler](http://bundler.io) `gem install bundler` and then install [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) and all dependencies `bundle install`.
2. Fork the [Minimal Mistakes repo](http://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/fork).
3. Clone the repo you just forked and rename it.
4. Edit `_config.yml` to personalize your site.
5. Check out the sample posts in `_posts` to see examples for pulling in large feature images, tags, and other YAML data.
5. Check out the sample posts in `_posts` to see examples for pulling in large feature images, assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data.
6. Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation.

[Demo the Theme](http://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes)
[Demo the Theme](http://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/archive/master.zip)

**Pro-tip:** Delete the `gh-pages` branch after cloning and start fresh by branching off `master`. There is a bunch of garbage in `gh-pages` used for the theme's demo site that I'm guessing you don't want on your site.

A Rakefile.rb => Rakefile.rb +88 -0
@@ 0,0 1,88 @@
require "rubygems"
require "bundler/setup"
require "stringex"

## -- Config -- ##

posts_dir       = "_posts"    # directory for blog files
new_post_ext    = "md"  # default new post file extension when using the new_post task
new_page_ext    = "md"  # default new page file extension when using the new_page task

# Create a new Post or Page #

# usage rake new_post
desc "Create a new post in #{posts_dir}"
task :new_post, :title do |t, args|
  if args.title
    title = args.title
    title = get_stdin("Enter a title for your post: ")
  filename = "#{posts_dir}/#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-#{title.to_url}.#{new_post_ext}"
  if File.exist?(filename)
    abort("rake aborted!") if ask("#{filename} already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", ['y', 'n']) == 'n'
  tags = get_stdin("Enter tags to classify your post (comma separated): ")
  puts "Creating new post: #{filename}"
  open(filename, 'w') do |post|
    post.puts "---"
    post.puts "layout: post"
    post.puts "title: \"#{title.gsub(/&/,'&')}\""
    post.puts "modified: #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')}"
    post.puts "tags: [#{tags}]"
    post.puts "image:"
    post.puts "  feature: "
    post.puts "  credit: "
    post.puts "  creditlink: "
    post.puts "comments: "
    post.puts "share: "
    post.puts "---"

# usage rake new_page
desc "Create a new page"
task :new_page, :title do |t, args|
  if args.title
    title = args.title
    title = get_stdin("Enter a title for your page: ")
  filename = "#{title.to_url}.#{new_page_ext}"
  if File.exist?(filename)
    abort("rake aborted!") if ask("#{filename} already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", ['y', 'n']) == 'n'
  tags = get_stdin("Enter tags to classify your page (comma separated): ")
  puts "Creating new page: #{filename}"
  open(filename, 'w') do |page|
    page.puts "---"
    page.puts "layout: page"
    page.puts "permalink: /#{title.to_url}/"
    page.puts "title: \"#{title}\""
    page.puts "modified: #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}"
    page.puts "tags: [#{tags}]"
    page.puts "image:"
    page.puts "  feature: "
    page.puts "  credit: "
    page.puts "  creditlink: "
    page.puts "share: "
    page.puts "---"

def get_stdin(message)
  print message

def ask(message, valid_options)
  if valid_options
    answer = get_stdin("#{message} #{valid_options.to_s.gsub(/"/, '').gsub(/, /,'/')} ") while !valid_options.include?(answer)
    answer = get_stdin(message)
\ No newline at end of file

M theme-setup.md => theme-setup.md +28 -6
@@ 22,13 22,23 @@ image:

General notes and suggestions for customizing Minimal Mistakes.

## Basic Setup
## Basic Setup for a new Jekyll site

1. [Install Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) if you haven't already.
2. Fork the [Minimal Mistakes repo](http://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/)
3. Make it your own and customize, customize, customize.
1. [Install Bundler](http://bundler.io) `gem install bundler` and then install [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) and all dependencies `bundle install`.
2. Fork the [Minimal Mistakes repo](http://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/fork).
3. Clone the repo you just forked and rename it.
4. Edit `_config.yml` to personalize your site.
5. Check out the sample posts in `_posts` to see examples for pulling in large feature images, assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data.
6. Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation.

<a markdown="0" href="http://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes" class="btn">Minimal Mistakes on GitHub</a>
<div markdown="0"><a href="https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/archive/master.zip" class="btn">Download the Theme</a></div>

**Pro-tip:** Delete the `gh-pages` branch after cloning and start fresh by branching off `master`. There is a bunch of garbage in `gh-pages` used for the theme's demo site that I'm guessing you don't want on your site.
{: .notice}


## Folder Structure

{% highlight text %}

@@ 97,7 107,19 @@ links:

### Adding Posts and Pages

There are two main content layouts: *post.html* (for posts) and *page.html* (for pages). Both have large **feature images** that span the full-width of the screen, and both are meant for long form articles and blog posts. 
There are two main content layouts: *post.html* (for posts) and *page.html* (for pages). Both have large **feature images** that span the full-width of the screen, and both are meant for long form articles and blog posts.

There are two rake tasks that can be used to create a new post or page with all YAML Front Matter. Using either `rake new_post` or `rake new_page` will prompt you for a title and tags to classify them. Example below:

{% highlight bash %}
rake new_post

Enter a title for your post: My Awesome Post
Enter tags to classify your post (comma separated): web development, code
Creating new post: _posts/2014-02-10-my-awesome-post.md
{% endhighlight %}

There are a few configuration variables that can be changed in `Rakefile.rb`. By default posts and pages will be created in MarkDown using the `.md` extension.

#### Feature Images