
a4ff4823235be9e9da3b1efc20e6adc4a843630f — Michael Rose 8 years ago b52e4a8
Update archive layout docs
M _data/navigation.yml => _data/navigation.yml +0 -4
@@ 60,10 60,6 @@ docs:

  - title: Extras
      - title: "Pagination"
        path: pagination
      - title: "Archives"
        path: archives
      - title: "Stylesheets"
        path: stylesheets
      - title: "JavaScript"

M _docs/05-configuration.md => _docs/05-configuration.md +1 -1
@@ 414,7 414,7 @@ If [using pagination](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-paginate) on the homepage
paginate: 5

You'll also need to include some modified Liquid to properly use the paginator, which you can find in the **Content** section or gleam from the demo site's [`index.html`](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/gh-pages/index.html).
You'll also need to include some modified Liquid to properly use the paginator, which you can find in the **Layouts** section under [Home Page]({{ base_path }}/docs/layouts/#home-page).

### Timezone

M _docs/09-layouts.md => _docs/09-layouts.md +68 -22
@@ 17,7 17,7 @@ single_layout_gallery:

The bread and butter of any theme. Below you'll find the layouts included with Minimal Mistakes, what they look like and the type of content they've been built for.

## Default
## Default Layout

The base layout all other layouts inherit from. There's not much to this layout apart from pulling in several `_includes`:

@@ 30,21 30,77 @@ The base layout all other layouts inherit from. There's not much to this layout 
**Note:** You won't ever assign this layout directly to a post or page. Instead all other layouts will build off of it by setting `layout: default` in their YAML Front Matter.
{: .notice--warning}

## Compress
## Compress Layout

A Jekyll layout that compresses HTML in pure Liquid.

* [Documentation](http://jch.penibelst.de/)

## Single
## Single Layout

The layout you'll likely use the most --- thin sidebar on the left, main content on the right.
The layout you'll likely use the most --- sidebar and main content combo with the following optional modules: **social sharing links**, **comments**, and **related posts**.

{% include gallery id="single_layout_gallery" caption="Image header and meta info examples for `single` layout" %}

To enable add `layout: single` or better yet apply as a [Front Matter default]({{ base_path }}/docs/configuration/#front-matter-defaults) in `_config.yml`.
Assign with `layout: single`, or better yet apply as a [Front Matter default]({{ base_path }}/docs/configuration/#front-matter-defaults) in `_config.yml`.

### Header
## Archive Layout

Essentially the same as `single` with markup adjustments and some modules removed.

![archive layout example]({{ base_path }}/images/mm-layout-archive.png)

Below are sample archive pages you can easily drop into your project, taking care to rename `permalink`, `title`, or the filename to fit your site. Each is 100% compatible with GitHub Pages.

* [All Posts Grouped by Category][posts-categories]
* [All Posts Grouped by Tags][posts-tags]
* [All Posts Grouped by Year][posts-year]
* [All Posts Grouped by Collection][posts-collection]

[posts-categories]: https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/gh-pages/_pages/category-archive.html
[posts-tags]: https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/gh-pages/_pages/tag-archive.html
[posts-year]: https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/gh-pages/_pages/year-archive.html
[posts-collection]: https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/gh-pages/_pages/collection-archive.html

### Taxonomy Archive

If you have the luxury of using Jekyll plugins the creation of category and tag archives is greatly simplified. Enable support for the [`jekyll-archives`](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-archives) plugin with a few `_config.yml` settings as noted in the [**Configuration**]({{ base_path }}/docs/configuration/#archive-settings) section.

![archive taxonomy layout example]({{ base_path }}/images/mm-layout-archive-taxonomy.png)

### Home Page

Minimal Mistakes ships with an [`index.html`](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/master/index.html) in the root of the project for displaying the 5 most recent posts --- with pagination. It does this by assigning `layout: archive` in the YAML Front Matter and including the following Liquid in the body:

{% raw %}<!-- start index.html body -->
{% include base_path %}

<h3 class="archive__subtitle">Recent Posts</h3>

{% for post in paginator.posts %}
  {% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}

{% include paginator.html %}
<!-- end index.html body -->{% endraw %}

  <img src="{{ base_path }}/images/mm-home-post-pagination-example.jpg" alt="home page post pagination example">
  <figcaption>Home page post pagination example.</figcaption>

**Note:** For more pagination relation settings check the [**Configuration**]({{ base_path }}/docs/configuration/#paginate) section.
{: .notice--info}

## Splash Page Layout

![splash page layout example]({{ base_path }}/images/mm-layout-splash.png)


## Headers

To add some visual punch to a post or page, a large full-width header image can be included.

@@ 112,11 168,13 @@ header:
  overlay_color: "#333"

### Sidebar

## Sidebars

The space to the left of a page's main content is blank by default, but has the option to show an author profile (name, short biography, social media links), custom content, or both.

#### Author Profile
### Author Profile

Add `author_profile: true` to a post or page's YAML Front Matter.

@@ 137,7 195,7 @@ defaults:
**Note:** To disable the author sidebar profile for a specific post or page, add `author_profile: false` to the YAML Front Matter instead.
{: .notice--warning}

#### Custom Sidebar Content
### Custom Sidebar Content

Blocks of content can be added by using the following under `sidebar`:

@@ 164,16 222,4 @@ sidebar:

**ProTip:** Custom sidebar content added to a post or page's YAML Front Matter will appear above the author profile if enabled with `author_profile: true`.
{: .notice--info}

## Archive

![archive layout example]({{ base_path }}/images/mm-layout-archive.png)

### Taxonomy Archive

![archive taxonomy layout example]({{ base_path }}/images/mm-layout-archive-taxonomy.png)

## Splash Page

![splash page layout example]({{ base_path }}/images/mm-layout-splash.png)
\ No newline at end of file
{: .notice--info}
\ No newline at end of file

A images/mm-home-post-pagination-example.jpg => images/mm-home-post-pagination-example.jpg +0 -0