
c2a24c4075efbfd735ff63882a1200275ac703a7 — Michael Rose 5 years ago 3819626
Allow sidebar navs with custom sidebar content

Multiple sidebar navs can also be included on a page:

  - title: Navigation 1
    nav: nav1
  - title: Navigation 2
    nav: nav2

Fixes #1986
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M _includes/sidebar.html
M _includes/sidebar.html => _includes/sidebar.html +1 -0
@@ 14,6 14,7 @@
      {% endif %}
      {% if s.title %}<h3>{{ s.title }}</h3>{% endif %}
      {% if s.text %}{{ s.text | markdownify }}{% endif %}
      {% if s.nav %}{% include nav_list nav=s.nav %}{% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if page.sidebar.nav %}
      {% include nav_list nav=page.sidebar.nav %}