
2cfbc727 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
85276d19 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
0ff9dcc8 — Matías E. Fernández 6 years ago
Add support for Google Analytics with global site tag (gtag.js) (#1563)

For documentation see https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/
and https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7538414.
11c8a625 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Add missing German translations
bb7cf770 — Tobias L. Maier 6 years ago
Add more translations for de (#1577)

* Add more translations for de

* Fix Typo
dfc57d97 — Christian Oliff 6 years ago
Update Font Awesome JS to 5.0.8 (#1561)

REF: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
5767cf0b — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
07ddf948 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Convert EOL sequence to LF
04ce451f — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
876dedf0 — Christian Oliff 6 years ago
Update Font Awesome JS to 5.0.7 (#1555)

2b58342a — arturamaj 6 years ago
polish language code fix (#1550)

41034876 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Fix formatting
739e9794 — Christian Oliff 6 years ago
https link to realfavicongenerator.net (#1539)

91886912 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Add link to jekyll-algolia's documentation
6acff407 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update jQuery to v`3.3.1`

Close #1491
7188c2f3 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Focus Algolia search input
65b51b62 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
35073d83 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Release 4.10.0 :gem:
f814f006 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Add Algolia search provider (#1531)

* Support Lunr and Algolia search providers
* Document search providers and configuration
* Update CHANGELOG and history

close #1416
e772c949 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Fix gem name