
8900fc27 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Link to sample post
b1aaf5b5 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Release 4.12.0 :gem:
407e5d67 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
12f25ac3 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
d472ad96 — David Tomaschik 6 years ago
Include a default title_separator (#1701)

The current code prevented any separator being included when site.title_separator was unset.
15f3ac4c — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
2cc955f6 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
3710bf6e — GwonHyeok 6 years ago
fix typo in seo template (#1687)

naver-site-verification to naver_site_verification
94212dd4 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
e711d9c7 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Add Hungarian localized UI text strings
98b29c2c — gezapeti 6 years ago
Hungarian translation of ut-text #1681 (#1682)

7c50731b — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
a770d29a — Michael Rose 6 years ago
DRY `categories_max` calculation in categories.html layout
44750d27 — Dan Jackson 6 years ago
DRY `tags_max` calculation in _layouts/tags.html (#1696)

It was being done twice, and it doesn't seem to need to be.
5133067e — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
93a8e14d — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Add `toc_sticky` to stick table of contents

"Stick" table of contents to top of the page by adding:

toc: true
toc_sticky: true

to a post or page's YAML Front Matter.
Note: only supported with `single` layout.
f90b0060 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Add support for captioning images in feature row helper

Use `image_caption` YAML front matter to assign a caption to the feature image, Markdown is allowed.

Close #1440
2d7f05df — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Update CHANGELOG and history
616694c1 — Michael Rose 6 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes